Verna's Christmas Cards

Every year from about 1965 until 2000 Verna made her Christmas cards.

These were individually printed from woodcuts or monoprints.

Some of these are shown below. Click on image for larger view.


nativity woodcut 1965 inside of card tree with manger 1968 card woodcut
noel 70 christmas star 71 the first noel 72 1973 card
connatus 1976 card with Florence Goodman connatus card inside poem by Florence Goodman connatus card inside message taunembaum 78
81 card front and back 81 card inside card 86 card 87
card 88 card 89 card 90 joie 91
sample 90 card sample 93 card samples 91 through 95 noel 92
joy 93 card 94 card 95 spirit of Christmas past 96
card 97 extra tannembaum additional 95 card additional card 95


background image: Nasa and the Hubble Heritage Team
